HOW TO TRANSLATE GNU Gluco Control ================================== This is much revised editon of translation instructions, which were previously in document How_Can_I_Help.txt. Last change: 22/03/2009 1.) How does Java handle translations? And how does GGC? -------------------------------------------------------- In Java translations are written in separate files, each ending with ceratain endings. Usually this is done like this: en_US, which means that language is English, and subset is American. We simplified things here in GGC, so that we have just en, which means English translation. This files are plain ASCII files. Yes, you heard correct. We write translations into ASCII files, or at least we need plain ASCII files as end result. Now here we can go two ways, which are both acceptable. We can write into plain ASCII files, by writing all our characters normally and substituting special characters with unicode ASCII representation. For example my native language (Slovene), has 6 special characters, we will look at c with carron now. I can write all text except this special characters, but I can substitute them with ASCII Unicode representation, which in my case would be \u010D for small c with caron or \u010C for big C with caron. This is probably the harder way, but if you need to replace just 6 characters also OK way. Easier way to translate will be probably to write in your native characters and then later convert file to plain ASCII. How to do that we will see later. 2.) How to start? ----------------- If you like our software and want it to be available in your own language you can join our translation team. First you need to do is post message on Forum Translation with name (something like that) (, 'Translation into Russian'. Please first go through all messages to find if someone is already trying to translate application. If yes, join his/hers team, and together you will be finished faster... Then contact our team lead telling him you wish to help (you can copy forum post and send it). Forum post is mainly for all other translators to see where they can help. His address is Read this document to the end, where you will find section "What to put into mail for Team lead/Administrator", you will need to decide about some choices on how you will proceed with translation. In few days you will receive several files (to translate) and also some tools that will help you with your task... 3.) I have files, I have tools what now? ---------------------------------------- At first you will need to decide how you wish to help us translate. There are two ways. a.) Offline mode In this "mode" you will receive your files to translate and you will send them back regullary (we can determine how often later). In addition to that, you will receive each month another package, with "new" translation files. This will be english files, which you will need to compare to your translations (with tool 1) and add all new keywords, there were added. b.) Online mode In online mode, you will need to get SVN tree of all sources and you will need to check files regulary, but you will get your changed files (EN) directly from SVN tree. If you plan to help with development this is preffered way. For working in this mode, you will need to either install development environment (see document How_Can_I_Help.txt, section D) or SVN application for managing source files. If you don't plan to help with development you should go with second option. We need to know this to know how to add you (as developers or translators - if we have that option). 4.) Ok I have everything now, can I start the work? --------------------------------------------------- Now that you have everything, you have a last choice to make... One we talked before. You need to decide how you will do your translation. One note here. Please copy your files into separate directory, don't work from SVN source tree, it will be easier to use tools that way, so you won't have any other language files in the way. a.) Use just plain ASCII file As we said before if your language has special characters you will need to insert them manually, you will need to determine which they are... b.) Use special native file This is preferred way to go, at least, if your language has any special characters (and most do). So what to do: 1. You will get file named something like (you will get several files more about that in next section) 2. Rename file to 3. Now you will edit this new file You need to save this file in UTF-8 codepage, so you need to use editor that supports UTF-8 format. 4. Send files regulary to us (when to send, see section "When to send our language update") 5.) Which files do I need to translate? --------------------------------------- Name Prefix | For which part | Description --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GGC | Base application | Should be translated GGC_Nutrition | Nutrition Tool | You can translate this, or at least some parts of it GGCMeterTool | Meter Tool | You can translate (tool is finished) GGCPumpTool | Pump Tool | This is under development (so leave it for last) GGCCGMSTool | CGMS Tool | Not available yet 6.) When to send our language update/when to check-in ------------------------------------------------------ Let's look at language update if you are in Offline mode. In this case we will determine on when you can send update, since you are working in our spare time, we have no right to tell you when to send updates, but nonetheless, it is nice to know when to be ready for it. We will need to have updates at least before major release (this are planned for every 6 months, so you can plan on major releases being in June and December (this might be postponed a little...)). SVN updates. You can make update each day, but not more (if possible)... You don't need to check-in files every hour, you just check them in, when you are finished for a day. 7.) How to send our language update ----------------------------------- a.) plain ASCII file Zip all files together and just send them. b.) Native (UTF-8) file Convert * files into *.properties files. Zip everything together and send me. For conversion use native2ascii tool (this is part of Java Development Kit - JDK). 8.) Special tools ----------------- 1.) I18nCheck . This tool will display all keyword from all language files that are present in default_lang (this is always en) and not in all other files. Base lang name is for example GGC, full name is This will help you find the new words easily. 2.) I18nTranslationCheck . This utility will show which expressions are not translated yet. If translation and default are same, then there will be some false entries, but most of entries displayed will still be untranslated. To help yourself take a note of how many translations words are same, and subtract them from whole number. 9.) For of language file (information in head) ---------------------------------------------- In language files there are a lot of keywords, which are all under special groups, each group has a tag number. Each type of language file has different types of tags. This tag number tell you which groups need to be translated first. In head you need to change following things. # ###################################################################### # ### ### # ###################################################################### # ### Language: ### # ### Created by: ### # ### Last change: ### # ### Application Version: ### # ### Version of this file: ### # ###################################################################### Next lines should be # Status: # Words: # 1 2 3 (by sections) # Untranslated: # # # # (untranslated words) # Same: # # # # (words that are same in your and english language) # # Procents translated: # % (how many procents need to be translated) Following two values need to set: TRANSLATION_CHECK_SAME_WORDS=# (how many words are same) COLLATION_RULES=... (this is used for sorting, you need to show in which order letters are sorted, here is example) (This is for Slovene language) COLLATION_RULES=< a,A < b,B < c,C < \u010D,\u010C < d,D < e,E < f,F < g,G < h,H < i,I < j,J < k,K < l,L < m,M < n,N < o,O < p,P < q,Q < r,R < s,S < \u0161,\u0160 < t,T < u,U < v,V < w,W < x,X < y,Y < z,Z < \u017E, \u017D 10.) What to put into mail for Team lead/Administrator ----------------------------------------------------- You don't need to tell us much, but we would need to send following things. Which language you are translating: Mode: Offline or Online (if online please specify if you will also help with development) Format of file I will be using: ASCII or native When I will send updates: every month / on demand / before major releases I hope this answers most of your questions, if not, feel free to contact us and we will help you getting everything done. With your help we can make this application even more useful. GGC Development Team