Update 0.3.1

This update is minor, but REQUIRED update. It needs to be applied to 0.3 release (if you apply it anywhere else
it will damage the installation).

In update package are three directories, which you need to copy (and overwrite) to existing installation 
directory. It contains these files:

docs\*                                  - here are several doc files about updates and this update specifically 
data\update\GGC_Update.properties       - update file (for generation of new startup scripts)
lib\utils\atech-tools-0.2.5.jar         - this is actual library which is new

How to apply this update

1. Open zip file and extract all files in some temporary directory
2. Select all extracted directories and right click on them and select option Copy or Cut
3. Browse to your installation of GGC (usually this is something like c:\Program Files\GGC)
4. You should be in the original install directory which contains several sub-directories (bin, docs, lib, ...),
   right click here and issue command Paste. Copying will start and you will be asked to overwrite
   files, on every question answer "Yes overwrite".
5. When this is finished you have applied update successfully.
6. Start GGC application
7. Select option Help->Check for updates, after window is opened you should find in list Atech Tools entry,
   version displayed should be 0.2.5. If this is not so, there was something wrong and you need to reapply 
   the update.
If you encounter problem, please contact us on ggc@atech-software.com and we will try to help. You can write 
in either English, Slovenian or German language.

What does this update fix

This update will not increase application version, you will still see application as version 0.3. 

This update fixes minor bug in backup/restore function. In previous version, backup was made in the
character set supported by operating system. This sometimes creates problem on restore, because
database requires all entries to be in UTF-8 format. This fix forces backup to write files in UTF-8
format, which gives us possibility to make backup/restore of database, which is requirement for applying
any update. 

GGC Development Team